- March 28
Really though it's more that a majority of the men spend an incredible amount of time working. The work hours in Japan are kind of crazy and I should never complain again (though I will). Which means the crazy american not rushing to work early in the morning never sees all those men off to work. Anyways, this is something I kept thinking pretty much everyday as I'd go around. Get on a train? Mother and her kids. Get off the train? Group of older ladies. Walking around the city? Men in suits walking around but even more women in suits!
This is the one time I really recall seeing more men than women at any given time. Which was early in the morning in Nagasaki.
You can see why I thought there were way more women than men! Which led to the following series of messages I sent Karen after having spent the day with Mrs. N and Mr. K in Osaka.
- April 5
How was I supposed to know? Nobody even said anything to me! I would have certainly moved cars if I had known or been told when I got on. Though I imagine they had a pretty good idea that:
- I was very unlikely to be the type that hopefully they're separated from by being in this car.
- I was someone who had no idea how to read Japanese. Or english. Or probably any other language as suggested by my current location.
- I had come to this car because I like pink. Which must certainly be the case as I began to realize exactly how much pink and suggestively "This is a women only car" decoration and signage there was.
So anybody that's going to Japan and happens to be man. Make sure you check for those signs that will keep you from treading where one should not.